CRM at the crossroads

| Jeff Morris

The good news is, it’s February! OK, that may not seem like much, but think of it: This means you’ve survived the Big Holiday Shopping Season (such as

Storehouse: How Sweet It Is

| MCM staff

GOURMET GOODNESS is only one ingredient in The Christie Cookie Company’s recipe for success. Equally important is how the Nashville, TN-based manufacturer

Short Takes: Bombs Away!

| David Pluviose

THE HARSH REALITY of pink slips flying, combined with the potential for American bombs dropping on Baghdad, kept nervous shoppers out of the malls in

Four Days in February

| MCM staff

‘Tis the season no, not that one. It’s February, and time for us editors to be busy, if not jolly, planning how to balance editing, writing, and travel

Short Takes: Shrink-Wrapped

| Barbara Arnn

Warehouse network contraction and expansion are a way to restructure to meet the demands of the economy, and current restructuring has a definite vector