Warehouse/Distribution Center, order management system, ERP, operations and fulfillment, system integration, VAR

How to Achieve Warehouse Efficiency Through Vendor Compliance

| Curt Barry

A good vendor compliance policy will help your organization improve its on-time performance and reduce the time and money spent on warehouse rework (e.g. prepackaging, correcting vendor errors, etc.), while reducing time spent on vendor disputes, claims and chargebacks. Here are some tips to help you create a vendor compliance policy that will ensure smoother working relationships while eliminating costly issues.

FedEx, FedEx Express, UPS, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, global, global shipping, global fulfillment, global consumers, China, chinese market, chinese consumers, ecommerce

Unpredictable Logistics Issues in China are Holding Retailers Back

| Lisa Henthorn

In the global shipping and logistics business, the unforeseen is the norm, and as some brands are learning the hard way. That’s especially true in China, where total online retail spending is forecast to climb above $1 trillion by 2019. Despite these issues, China holds more than enough business opportunities to offset them.

omnichannel fulfillment

Amazon Effect Still a Major Driver in DTC, Ecommerce Operations

| Mike O'Brien

The Amazon effect is still having a major impact on DTC and ecommerce operations and fulfillment, judging by the results of the MCM Outlook Survey 2016. This impact is seen in the increasing frequency of same-day and next-day delivery offerings – and providers – as well as the growth in omnichannel operations, now seen as table stakes by many retailers. Find out more about the survey results and how they reflect industry trends.

Enterprise Resource Planning, OMS, order management system, warehouse management system, WMS, ERP

10 Ways A 3PL Can Help Multichannel Companies Operate Profitably

| Curt Barry

Third-party logistics companies or 3PL providers can help ecommerce and direct-to-customer merchants expand internal fulfillment operations without large outlays. In the past five years some large companies have entered the market with extremely competitive services and costs.To help in the decision process, here are 10 ways that 3PLs have helped companies do just that.

warehouse automation totes

Choosing the Right Order Fulfillment Automation Solution

| Mike O'Brien

For a growing number of merchant companies, automated systems have become a way to address the issues of increasing throughput and order accuracy while decreasing returns. In addition to accuracy, often the biggest driver of automation decisions, the ability to achieve higher throughput per headcount, increasing efficiency while keeping down labor costs, is also paramount.

USPS, U.S. Postal Service, ecommerce, ecommerce returns, returns, shipping strategy, omnichannel, omnichannel best practices, free shipping, Amazon, Amazon Prime, Priority Mail, free two-day shipping, return labels, return shipping labels

Managing Scalable Growth Across Your Ecommerce Operations

| Maria Haggerty

As you grow your digital offerings, you must accurately gauge when and how to expand ecommerce operations while keeping what works in view. While moving toward your 2016 goals, consider investing in the right tools and partners in order to foster growth, but never forget your brand’s beginnings.

key performance indicators, KPIs, operations and fulfillment, warehouse/distribution Center, distribution center, direct-to-consumer, direct-to-consumer operations, performance metrics, employee productivity, employee coaching, manager training

13 Steps To Help You Plan An ERP System File Conversion

| Curt Barry

An ERP system file conversion “don’t get no respect,” as Rodney Dangerfield would say. Everyone knows they need to write programs and convert files. However, it’s not uncommon to leave off detailed discussion of which files and tables to convert, what data fields and how much data (this year’s only or how many years’ history) until the implementation. So to help, here are 13 steps to help you navigate the often tedious but critical process.

distribution center

Room for Improvement: 5 Steps to Better Retail Warehouse Selection

| Fabio Duque

With hundreds of millions of square feet of public space available for your retail warehouse in North America alone, how can your company do the best possible job of differentiating between facilities? Just as important, how can it choose the retail warehouse space that will be a perfect fit? Here are some tips that can help make the selection process a great success.

ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, WMS, OMS, operations and fulfillment, warehouse technology

9 Ways Procedures and Documentation Improve ERP System Use

| Curt Barry

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “This ERP system’s design is intuitive!” as an excuse for not writing procedures. These systems are so intuitive that management can’t seem to use them. Maybe it’s intuitive for Windows-based systems to some degree in terms of navigation and functions. Or it’s intuitive for those under 30 that have far more PC and web browser skills than mature workers.

To help alleviate these issues, here’s a checklist of 9 action steps to take that will help ensure a smooth ERP system upgrade.

Merchant Execs to Cover Trends, Best Practices at Operations Summit

| Mike O'Brien

What if you could create a dream team of top direct-to-customer and ecommerce operations executives, putting all their experience, brainpower and industry knowledge into one room to generate ideas that will help you grow your business and make it run more efficiently?

The good news is you can relax as the heavy lifting has already been done for you – at Operations Summit 2016, April 12-14