Storehouse: Stockpiling Stuff

| Rama Ramaswami

Retailers are working more closely with suppliers and customers to keep the right items in stock at the right time, reports a recent inventory management


| Louis J. Cerny, Jr.

Perfect measurements don’t have to be out of reach. If your productivity and efficiency numbers have zero sex appeal, the solution isn’t a drastic overhaul.

Slim, Fast

| D. Douglas Graham

Few of us can remember the number of times we’ve resolved to lose weight, or the number of times we’ve gone off a diet. For companies, however, the current

Talking Heads

| MCM staff

The smart company lays out strategic planning in a way that’s visible to everyone: For example, if we do this, X will happen, if we don’t, Y will happen.

Flour Arrangement

| MCM staff

Rarely does everything come up roses in a warehouse expansion. Most likely, the bouquet of equipment, systems, and layouts that started out fresh and

Overstocks Not a Problem

| MCM staff

Fears that January would find catalog warehouses brimming with unsold merchandise have been mostly unfounded. Even San Francisco-based Rochester Big &

Sugar & Spice

| Linda Water Nelson

But is everything nice? Your multichannel customer service offerings need to be as splendidly complete and as thoroughly organized as Wolfgang Puck’s