5 Tips for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign
Consumer’s inboxes are constantly bombarded with emails from retailers on a daily – if not hourly – basis. Here are five tips to help make sure that your email marketing campaign stands out.
Innovative Email Strategies: Bulletproofing and Bake-offs
When it comes to email marketing, the best thing for merchants to test 10 years ago was the subject line, according to Ryan Urban, director of acquisition for men
Major missed opportunities
DIRECT MERCHANTS, PARTICULARLY THOSE WITH ROOTS IN THE CATALOG CHANNEL, aren’t exactly known for being among the first to embrace ecommerce and other
Take Action on Inactive E-mail Segments
No matter how great your acquisition strategy, it
Keeping your co-reg clean
Is co-registration a good way to build a database? Well, it can certainly be an efficient way to start and grow a file, according to the experts. But
Maintain your good name
Joan Jett and the Blackhearts may not care about having a bad reputation, but for e-mail marketers, reputation has a specific meaning crucial to the deliverability of their messages. And many merchants are not even aware of this.
E-mail Lists Are Not Overpriced
Not every reader is going to agree with everything in Lists & Data Strategies. Find out what one vendor thinks about David Kanter’s argument that e-mail lists are overpriced.
Oh, behave!
In the not-so-recent past, marketers treated e-mail as an electronic version of mass media, blasting the same message to their entire audience. If marketers
Building up your e-mail file
Ask any multichannel merchant what its biggest e-mail marketing challenges are, and growing the e-mail file will certainly be one of the first topics