Best Buy Having a Bad Week

| Tim Parry

Best Buy may have pulled Richard Schulz’s offer to but it back and take it private off the tabel, and announced Hubert Joly as its new president and CEO. But Best Buy also said it does not intend to further provide or update earnings guidance for fiscal 2013, and that is not sitting well with Wall Street.

6 Tips for Cutting Ecommerce Shipping Costs

| Stephen Bulger

With increasing consumer expectations for free or reduced shipping, combined with the ever-growing expenses involved with residential parcel delivery, online merchants are being forced to find new ways to cut costs to maintain reasonable profits. Here are 6 tips to help you cut your shipping costs.

Twit-bits: Best Buy’s Buyout Bid and NASA Comparison

| Tim Parry

Best Buy had an interesting day in the Twittersphere on Monday, but it had nothing to do with the tweets it produced on its own behalf. Several tweeters shared links to articles about the confirmed buyout offer by company founder Richard Schulze, and others noticed that Best Buy employees may have been moonlighting in a certain control room.

Meet the 2012 MCM Awards Judges

| Erin Lynch

Geoff Batrouney Geoff is the executive vice president, of Estee Marketing Group, a company that specializes in List Management, List Brokerage, campaign/donor analyses, Insert Media Management and Brokerage covering all aspects of …

Amazon 2Q Sales Up, Profits Down

| Tim Parry said its sales for the second quarter, which ended June 30, were up 29%. But the etailer expects to have an operating loss of between $50 million and $350 million next quarter. Here’s why.

All Signs Lead to Amazon Offering Same-Day Delivery

| MCM staff

Mom and pop retailers can take some lessons from their ecommerce counterparts about how to compete against From our perspective at Multichannel Merchant, retailers can compete with Amazon if they take the following 10 steps.

Brentwood Associates Acquires Sundance Catalog

| Jim Tierney

Private equity firm Brentwood Associates has acquired a majority stake in women’s apparel and accessories, jewelry, and home furnishings seller Sundance Catalog from ACI Capital, Webster Capital and Sundance catalog founder Robert Redford, who will retain minority stakes in the 23-year-old company.

Facebook Acquires

| Erin Lynch

Social media goliath Facebook announced that it has acquired, a face recognition program. The deal brings the technology vendor in-house to Facebook. Terms of the deal were not disclosed.