MCM Tuesday 3-3-15

| Chris Intili

Chief Direct Marketer View Web Version MCM TUESDAY News and Intelligence for the Multichannel Merchant March 03, 2015 3 Tips to Beat the Creep Factor Retailers are encouraged to set … Continue Reading →

Retail Business Networks: The Key to Omnichannel Integration

| Peter Zaballos

Retailers are putting more emphasis on their supply chains and working with their suppliers and other trading partners to reinvent shopping from the ground up. It’s omnichannel on steroids, and it features the Amazon effect.

MCM Global 2-27-15

| Chris Intili

Global Ecommerce – Multichannel Merchant View Web Version February 27, 2015   Most Ecommerce Sites Unprepared For Emerging Global Marketplace As global ecommerce sales are poised to explode to $1.35 … Continue Reading →

Ace Hardware Rolls Out Same-Day Delivery Test

| Mike O'Brien

Ace Hardware has begun a same-day delivery pilot via its own associates at 33 stores in Florida, Illinois, Colorado, Maryland, Texas and Arizona.

Mobile Commerce Matters More Than Ever

| Tim Parry

If there is one major lesson merchants learned during the 2014 holiday season, it’s that mobile mattered more than ever. Mobile commerce went from being a necessary evil to an overnight game-changer. And the merchants that got on board with mobile commerce reaped the benefits of the iOS and Android-armed shoppers.