20th ANNUAL Catalog Awards

| MCM staff

You’re not getting older, you’re getting better that certainly applies to our industry. The possibilities of catalog marketing have expanded thanks to

Top of the Industry, Ma

| Sherry Chiger

It would be great to report that some startling new trend or revelation could be seen among the companies that make up this year’s Multichannel Merchant 100

Grand illusion

| MCM staff

If Jim Graham has his way, Utility Safeguard will one day be the Amazon.com of the construction world a larger-than-life online store providing contractors

6th annual i.merchant awards

| MCM staff

When we started the I.Merchant Awards in 1999, e-commerce was still in its infancy. While some might say the medium has barely learned to walk, we argue

Back-to-school daze

| MCM staff

Although it’s been more than a few years since The Cybercritic’s school days, I still get nostalgic every summer and feel compelled to load up on school

Circulation circus

| MCM staff

Q Let’s get started by talking about what you consider your greatest circulation and database challenges. Bonnie Preace, circulation manager, REI Our

The pitch for sales software

| Jeff Morris

If there was technology that could help your sales force better manage contacts, generate higher sales, and close more deals, would you invest in it?

Gardening sales wilt

| John Fischer

As of mid-June, when most gardening products catalogers were winding down their peak season, few were reporting an abundance of sales. While some catalogers,


| MCM staff

Three days after Valentine’s Day, in the middle of a typical New England winter, The Boston Globe reached out and punched many of us Vermonters in the