teamwork collaboration rowing scull feature

The Manufacturer-Retailer Relationship: Collaboration Breeds Success

| Kristin Naragon

The dynamics of the manufacturer-retailer relationship are complex and subject to power shifts. Where retailers often excel at customer loyalty, recognition and retention, manufacturers control stock availability and product development. As customers continue to demand innovative digital experiences across a growing number of channels, effective communication and collaboration is crucial.

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Setting Up Your CRM Strategy for Success

| Zack Botos

A multichannel approach to messaging allows you to grasp actions that are actually driving the purchaser to make a decision. This helps you determine which tactics, or perhaps a series of tactics, ultimately generated the sale. With all of that in mind, here’s a CRM strategy roadmap that can be tested, optimized and flexed.

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3 Tips for SMBs to Turn COVID-19 Customers into Long-Term Loyalists

| Krish Iyer

Not only have small businesses been able to rise to customers’ heightened expectations during the pandemic shutdown as they pivoted to ecommerce, they stepped up and filled major supply gaps. SMBs now have a window of opportunity to convert one-time customers into long-term loyalists, and here’s how they can do so.