Amazon,, Amazon Prime, Amazon Prime Now, Prime Now, same-day delivery, one-hour delivery, drones, Amazon drones, U.S. Senate, FAA, Federal Aviation Administration

Amazon Launches Prime Now, One-Hour Delivery in NYC

| Mike O'Brien

Continuing on its juggernaut of instant fulfillment of all kinds of stuff from “the anything store,” Amazon today announced Prime Now, a service that will allow Prime members in New York to receive household items like paper towels and laundry soap in as little as an hour via a mobile app.

The app, which is available in iOs and Android versions, give Prime members in select New York neighborhoods free two-hour delivery; the one-hour version costs $7.99 per order. The company’s much-touted facility on West 34th St. in Manhattan will serve as the fulfillment hub.

Amazon, Amazon Prime Now, Amazon Flex, Uber, Postmates, FedEx, on demand economy, contract drivers, ecommerce fulfillment

Amazon Testing Bikes for Ultra-Fast Delivery in New York

| Mike O'Brien

Amazon is once again pushing the ecommerce envelope, testing out the use of bicycle couriers in New York as part of a service called Amazon Prime Now, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The service will provide delivery of some items purchased on in an hour or two, the Journal said it had been told by an unnamed source.

Automated Fulfillment Optimizes Shipping and Avoids Errors

| Ian Goldman

The same technology that helped converge inventory levels has evolved and is now actually able to automate inventory management and fulfillment. By removing reliance on employees to track inventory, this makes mistakes less likely and allows order fulfillment from any location to orders on any channel. Thus omnichannel fulfillment is enabled, providing higher service levels to customers, more streamlined inventory management for retailers, and less stock tied up in expensive warehouses. Many retailers find that they are able to eliminate warehouses entirely and have retail locations function as mini-distribution centers.

Ecommerce, ecommerce fulfillment, retail, inventory management, omnichannel, omnichannel fulfillment, omnichannel operations, ship to store, ship from store, in-store pickup, customer experience, shipping, free shipping, Amazon

Competing with Free Shipping the Smart Way

| Gregg Aamoth

Once viewed as an extra customer incentive, “free” shipping has quickly becoming the norm for retailers when selling online. With online retail giants like Amazon upping the ante, it seems like there is no other option for retailers but to keep up and take the hit to the bottom line.

But omnichannel retailers are starting to realize they don’t always have resort to margin-eroding “free” shipping to compete.