Amazon for counterfeit legislation piece

State Lawmakers Can’t Let Amazon Buy Virginia

| Jason Boyce

Amazon recently and curiously reversed its longstanding opposition to federal consumer protection legislation that aims to reduce counterfeit items on ecommerce platforms. Despite this, Amazon has made it clear it opposes similar state measures and has stepped up lobbying efforts across the country to kill these bills.

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Sustainability Info Key Purchase Driver, Survey Finds

| Mike O'Brien

Underscoring the growing importance of sustainability and an environmental focus among values-conscious consumers when choosing brands, a new survey of shoppers in the U.S., the UK, Germany and France showed just how much these issues matter during the purchase decision process. Photo credit: Charles Etoroma on Unsplash

Gen Z kids on their phones can you believe it?

Gen Z Shopping Habits May Kill Off Unprepared Brands

| Mark Hook

For the past decade, brands have scrambled to serve millennials, the first internet-obsessed generation that forced them to rethink ecommerce selling strategies. Now, they are reinventing as Gen Z gears up to enter the workforce and fast becomes a formidable force in the economy. Is your ecommerce platform ready?

cyber weekend

Ahead of Cyber Weekend, Some Thoughts and Numbers

| Mike O'Brien

Like lots of things, Cyber Weekend ain’t what it used to be, with a lot of air let out of the balloon. Major retailers vie to outdo each other by launching Black Friday deals ahead of the starting gun. Black Friday deals at Target, Best Buy and Amazon all launched last week, with Walmart joining today. Here’s an outlook and some thoughts.

Holiday Spending to Rise 10% But Cyber Weekend Growth Halved: Adobe

| Mike O'Brien

Adobe Digital Insights is predicting U.S. holiday spending online will rise 10% over 2020, hitting a record $207 billion, with global spending to reach $910 billion, an 11% increase, while calling for a decreased emphasis on traditionally major days during Cyber Weekend as demand pulls forward.

Omnichannel Holidays: Not Optional for Retailers

| Sharon Gee

Uncertainty around holiday store shopping makes an omnichannel strategy more critical than ever. Retailers need to figure out where to sell, both geographically and through which channels. Based on these imperatives, here are four strategies critical to launching a successful omnichannel campaign this holiday season.

Leveraging Customer Loyalty This Holiday Season

| Renata Akers

Consumers today are channel agnostic, demanding a baseline digital experience that will achieve their desired outcomes. Meeting their expectations is no longer sufficient; exceeding them is what wins their loyalty in the post-pandemic era, and drive success this holiday season and beyond, brands must prepare now.

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Ecommerce Brands: Conquering the 2021 Holidays

| Darwin Liu

Like so many things in 2021, Black Friday and other holidays are changing continuously. That is why we identified six tips that every ecommerce marketer should know in order to focus brand energy in the right places and win the holiday shopping season. 

Four Tech Trends Accelerating a Retail Revival

| NedHayes

Consumers are bringing their spending back to offline retailers in 2021, and a now a retail revival, and a likely boost to in-person retail, has already begun. Here are four key technology trends that your brick-and-mortar store can use to accelerate customer engagement in the coming consumer wave.

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Omnichannel Grocery Shoppers Spend 20% More

| Mike O'Brien

Omnichannel grocery shoppers spend on average 20% more and shop more frequently compared to those that just visit the store, according to new research from Symphony RetailAI. The survey also found that while half of first-time e-grocery shoppers made a single online purchase, the other half become highly engaged and loyal.