cyber weekend

Cyber Week: How Not to Squander Margins

| Simon Bird

So, here we are again. Cyber Monday and Black Friday are fast approaching, and we’re just days away from the official kickoff for the seven-day period that encases these two mega events in the ecommerce calendar: Cyber Week. Thankfully, it is relatively simple to structure your promotions in a way that safeguards your margins.

2019 Holiday Season Takeaways and Ecommerce Marketing Action Items

| Greg Zakowicz

The 2019 holiday season has concluded, and once again ecommerce experienced record-breaking sales. But what made the 2019 holiday season so successful, and which trends have become the new normal? Analyzing the results does no good unless you implement the lessons learned to further your marketing program.

3 Key Online Strategies for Cyber Week II

| David Feinleib

Brands work all summer and fall to prepare for the holiday season, but their work isn’t done when Christmas is over. There is a second major wave of holiday shopping to prepare for: Cyber Week II, which starts on Christmas Day and the week after. Here are three online strategies to achieve success during Cyber Week II.