My First IRCE Experience

| Daniela Forte

I went to the IRCE in the beautiful city of Chicago last week and was immediately in awe by the size of the exhibit hall, the sessions I attended and the wealth of information I was given by the people I met during my time at the conference. I have never been to a conference of this magnitude before and wasn’t sure what to expect. I can clearly say the show exceeded my expectations.

How to Snag the Mobile Shopper

| Erin Lynch

While more and more consumers are researching products and comparing prices on their mobile devices most showroomers are not using their device to finalize a purchase.

Mobile Marketing Set to Hit $400 Billion by 2015

| Erin Lynch

The mobile marketing ecosystem generated $139 billion of incremental output to the U.S. economy in 2012, a significant surge from $48 billion in net sales previously reported in 2010. Over the next five years, this figure is set to skyrocket to $400 billion representing an annual growth rate of 52%.