Suppress Wildfire Areas With Caution

| Tim Parry

The wildfires have slowed down in Southern California, but do you want to mail catalogs there? One list firm tells us no, while another says it’s up to the mailer to decide.

Determining Your Areas of Growth

| Michael I. Grant

All mailers must constantly looking to identify the best way to grow revenues. It seems like it should be pretty easy to do. But in the present multichannel environment, how do you fuel that growth or determine where to invest scarce resources to expand market share in a cost effective manner?

Alternatives To The Prospecting Death Spiral

| Jim Coogan

It’s no secret that catalogers have cut back on prospecting as a short-term answer to the May postal increase. But in the long-term, cutting back on prospecting will cut these merchants’ flow of new buyers, and cause their business to shrink.

Live from DMA: Greco on Self-Regulation Challenges

| Melissa Dowling

Chicago–Direct marketers face a lot of challenges these days, but perhaps the most pressing, according to DMA president/CEO John Greco, is state “do-not-mail” legislation. In his Oct. 15 keyout address at the DMA’s annual conference here, Greco noted that if any of the proposed do-not-mail laws pass, “we believe a lot of consumers will sign up, even if the reason don’t make sense.”

December: Not Too Late To Contact Buyer File

| Jim Coogan

When is it too late to contact your buyer and prospect files to maximize holiday sales? Thanks to the increased confidence consumers have in last-minute online shopping, you can go as close to Dec. 25 as you feel comfortable.

What Marketers Should Demand From an E-Mail List

| Turker Hassan

Working with many e-mail list brokers and mailers, we field many questions about the deliverability of a particular file. In this age of declining open and click-through rates, marketers are researching their test lists more thoroughly.