Spotlight on NCOF

| MCM staff

Welcome to our continuing series highlighting the speakers of the National Conference on Operations & Fulfillment, which Multichannel Merchant co-sponsors

More pickup for price hikes

| Jim Tierney

Unlike the current housing market of high inventory and falling prices, paper supply is going down and prices are heading up. Several mill closures and reduced demand are two key reasons why the cost of paper is escalating.

Tooling around on PTS

| MCM staff

Shopping for industrial tools online can be a major production especially if a site is not up to snuff. Production Tool Supply sells such complex items

Batten down the hatches

| MCM staff

The people at Orient Expressed thought they were ready for anything. We knew that we would be able to contact each other in the event of a disaster, says

Lillian to get even more personal

| Jim Tierney

It’s no secret that Lillian Vernon takes pride in personalization. After all, the venerable gifts and housewares cataloger was founded 56 years ago around

Prime real estate

| Mark Del Franco

Boden, the British apparel cataloger, was nearing annual sales of $100 million in the United States. But it had to ship every order from its Leicester,

Home, sweet home merchants

| Mark Del Franco

There’s no place like the home market, or multichannel purveyors of furnishings, linens, floor and window coverings, tableware, and kitchen items. The