Finding your voice

| Larry Sweeney

Voice-directed work can provide a serious boost to productivity, accuracy, safety and job satisfaction in distribution centers. How do you get the best

Managing Multisite Distribution

| MCM staff

Opening a second distribution center can more than double day-to-day complexity and increase the cost of operations. While most companies tend to focus on the network and facility design, it

Eyeglass Frames Maker Neostyle Opens U.S. DC

| Patrick Barnard

To keep a closer eye on its service levels, high-end eyeglass frames maker Neostyle has opened a new direct-to-market distribution center in Bradenton, FL, and is now handling U.S. distribution of Neostyle products on its own.

Are Your Call Center Supervisors Up to the Task?

| Penny Reynolds

A survey recently conducted by The Call Center School shows that more than 80% of supervisors and team managers in call centers today were moved into that position from frontline agent. While this promotion from within ensures that supervisors understand the call-handling process, care should be taken that the right agents are placed into supervisory positions.

Guitar Center DC Goes Green

| MCM staff

Every day is Earth Day for Guitar Center. The company in the past year has taken a series of initiatives to help protect the environment, including reducing the number of wooden pallets used in its distribution center, as well as eliminating the use of shrink wrap on parcels shipped to its 214 stores.