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Consumers Willing to Forego 1-2-Day Delivery If Given Options

| Mike O'Brien

Evidence continues to mount that that having a range of options and more certainty about when a package will arrive are more important than 1-2-day delivery. In a July survey of 1,000 consumers commissioned by Ware2Go, 90% of respondents said they could live without 1-2-day delivery if given options like free shipping, real-time tracking and the ability to choose the delivery date.

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What Retailers and CPG Companies Can Learn from Each Other

| Lindsey Peters

Retailers and CPG companies have had a symbiotic relationship for decades, teaming up to offer customers more choice in convenient in-person and ecommerce storefronts. As both take on each other’s challenges, they must learn from the other’s processes and best practices to sustain new revenue streams in the long term based on evolving consumer behaviors, preferences and spending habits. 

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In An Era of Shortages, CX Matters More Than Ever

| David Fletcher

How can retailers keep problems outside their control from damaging customer relationships? Competing on customer experience (CX) is always smart, but right now it’s critical. Of course, the best CX is getting the products they want when they want them. But you can deliver excellent CX in other ways to maintain trust and goodwill.

Subscription Programs: From Transactions to Relationships

| Greg Alvo

One strategy to build effective customer relationships is to integrate subscription programs into an ecommerce offering. Providing clear, consistent communication and establishing demonstrates you truly know your customer. And personalization, convenience and cost savings creates an affinity for your brand and authentic connections.

More Than Half of U.S. Consumers Planning Holiday Shopping Early

| Mike O'Brien

Supply chain delays, ongoing carrier issues and expectations of late deliveries or out of stocks has driven a record number of U.S. consumers to begin holiday shopping earlier than ever, with 52% of them in an Oracle Retail survey saying they’ve already begun to do so. Major retailers like Target and Best Buy have kicked off promotions.

Returning Shoppers and Blended Expectations

| Ofer Fryman

With omnichannel shoppers being more loyal and more eager to spend, mending fragmented experiences is crucial. It’s clearly time to ensure your store experience is on par with digital. But with so many possibilities from contactless checkout to improved app experiences, knowing where to start is a challenge. Here are some tips.

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CPG Marketers: Data That Drives Retail-Intelligent Ads

| Kate DuBois

While many CPG marketers now account for major consumer behavior shifts, the most successful seek to better understand and respond to trends in the context of their own product mix. Now a channel-agnostic approach to interpreting market signals most relevant to their own product mix is fueling smarter marketing decisions.

7 Strategies to Get the Most from Your Subscription Box 3PL

| Nicole Lee

Order fulfillment can be overwhelming, particularly as your subscription box business grows and evolves. You’ve put considerable time and effort into building your business, and you want to find a fulfillment partner who can help meet your goals and give them the tools to succeed. These 7 strategies can help guide the process.

3 Critical Steps to Up Ecommerce Delivery Performance in 2020

| Tommy Barnes

From the Amazons and Alibabas of the world, to B2B suppliers like Grainger and Readerlink, to other niche and specialty suppliers and retailers, delivery is a crucial component of any ecommerce company’s success. Here are three steps ecommerce companies can take to ensure they don’t crack under the pressure to deliver in 2020.