MCM Staff

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How Mcommerce is Changing Shopping

| MCM Staff

With more than half of consumers researching products through a mobile device at least once a week has shown the increasing trend of mobile device usage in consumer shopping. See what the trends are and how retailers can stay ahead of the curve.

Deloitte Says Holiday 2015 Non-Retail Store Sales Will Grow 8.5% to 9%

| MCM Staff

Deloitte not only forecasts an 8.5% to 9% increase in non-store sales in the online and mail order channels during the 2015 holiday season, but believed digital interactions will influence more than half of retail store sales. See exactly how much growth Deloitte expects, and what this figure reflects.

mobile payments

Will Mobile Payments Soon Reign Supreme?

| MCM Staff

Mobile payments technology has been seeking to make advances in order to convenience the consumer, yet many consumers refuse to avail themselves of the new technology and the lack of consumer adoption has in turn been stunting its growth.