E-MAIL CREATIVE: What Works and What Doesn’t
Imagine creating and sending a print mail piece only to find out that before delivering it, the U.S. Postal Service stripped out the graphics and put
Imagine creating and sending a print mail piece only to find out that before delivering it, the U.S. Postal Service stripped out the graphics and put
(Magilla Marketing) Jane Kaiser is extremely wary of cost-per-action e-mail deals. As far as the president of New York-based online marketing consultancy Eclipse Direct Marketing is concerned
Okay, so it’s time to overhaul your e-commerce site or design a new one, and you’ve finally wrangled into the conference room everyone whose input you’ll
An as-yet little-noticed aspect of Google
Too many marketers lose sales because they think of their landing pages
If AOL wants legitimate marketers to start avoiding sending to its subscribers, the plan is working. E-mailers are preparing for a serious drop in performance of AOL addresses,
With broadband penetration hitting critical mass, more multichannel merchants are adding interactive, or virtual, catalogs to their Websites. Usually
The state of Washington has settled with representatives of two California businesses it accused of spamming the Seattle school district in violation of the federal Can-Spam Act, the state
Though e-mail
Chicago–Different classes of e-mail are