How to Create a Global Operations Strategy

| Tim Parry

Whether or not you optimize your ecommerce site—and your operations—for the global shopper, the global shopper is coming to America. Here’s a look at how U.S.-based merchants can fine-tune their global operations and delight the global shopper.

Amazon May be Jumping the Gun on Cuba

| Tim Parry

A “ship to Cuba” button was seen on Amazon’s website by Reuters correspondents in Havana. But is Amazon getting ready to sell in Cuba, and is the Cuban economy ready for cross-border shopping? Here’s why Cuba may be more of an exporter if and when U.S. sanction amendments are voted on.

United Kingdom, UK, cross-border selling, cross-border ecommerce, global ecommerce, Growing Global, retail, online retail, brands, product returns, returns policy, EU, European Union, England, Great Britain, operations and fulfillment, shipping/delivery

Mobile Shift Continues in the UK

| Tim Parry

Are you selling cross-border to the UK? Then you better make sure your ecommerce site is ready for the mobile shopper. Here’s a look at how mobile commerce is growing across the pond.

Walmart holiday mobile app on an iPhone

Mobile Commerce Matters More Than Ever

| Tim Parry

If there is one major lesson merchants learned during the 2014 holiday season, it’s that mobile mattered more than ever. Mobile commerce went from being a necessary evil to an overnight game-changer. And the merchants that got on board with mobile commerce reaped the benefits of the iOS and Android-armed shoppers.

Cool New Technology Showcased at eTail West

| Tim Parry

Sure, there were things like mimosa breaks and Xbox tournaments to lure eTail West attendees into the Solutions Zone. But attendees also made the most of their time at eTail West and met with their current and potential new technology vendors out on the show floor. Here’s a look at 6 eTail West 2015 vendors who stood out in the pack.

Deal reached in West Coast Port Shutdown

| Tim Parry

The Pacific Maritime Association and the International Longshore and Warehouse Union announced a tentative agreement Friday on a new five-year contract covering workers at all 29 West Coast ports.