Holiday Shopping 2020: What October Results Revealed

| Lauren Cooley

It’s been a wild year for retailers. The homestretch of 2020 finds most of them hoping to over-perform and make up for time and money lost to the COVID-19 crisis. Do American consumers have enough left in the tank (and the bank account) to provide a much-needed boost? Let’s examine that question by looking back to October.

Shift Happens: Winning DTC with Consumer Behavioral Data

| David Tiberia

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) gives brands the ability to collect and utilize first-party consumer behavioral data to make the shopping experience more personalized, to build loyalty and improve advertising returns. The bigger and more detailed your data store is, the better you can target your core consumer and create repeat purchases.

Solving This Peak Holiday Season in the Last Mile

| Mike Willoughby

This peak holiday season will be unlike any before, and brands must adapt accordingly. These unusual circumstances need to be met with creative solutions. Here are a few ways to avoid this scenario by looking at alternative last-mile delivery options that will keep both consumers and brands happy.

3 Ways to Prepare for BOPIS Fraud This Holiday Season

| Erika Dietrich

As consumers have begun holiday shopping earlier than ever, merchants are expecting historical peak trends, and fraudsters will try to take advantage of this. To prepare for the uptick in BOPIS fraud this holiday season, consider enacting both short-term and long-term fraud mitigation strategies to protect yourself and your customers.

5 Video Ad Tactics to Make Your Brand a Holiday Standout

| Hope Horner

The holiday season is upon us, which is both exciting and overwhelming. There is also the pressure of figuring out how to rise above everyone else’s holiday-themed ads. A well-produced, perfectly timed video ad can elevate your product in memorable ways. Here are 5 principles to focus on when creating your video ads this holiday season.

B2B illustration feature

The Empowered Consumer: Navigating the New B2B2C Digital Landscape

| Jeff Coon

As the world of commerce becomes increasingly omnichannel, the boundaries that once clearly separated ecommerce markets have begun to fade away. Whereas a brand might have traditionally kept business-to-business (B2B) sales and business-to-consumer (B2C) sales in siloes, today’s connected commerce experiences have created a new selling environment: B2B2C.

holiday shopping, peak holiday season, holiday shipping, holiday shipping peak, ecommerce orders

Small Businesses Face Big Challenges this Holiday Season

| Matt Winn

With more and more holiday purchases shifting from in-store to online, smaller retailers are looking forward to making the most of this highly profitable selling period, undergoing preparations to handle the rush. See what they are doing to prepare.