How Retailers Can Fight Fraud

| Erin Lynch

Shopping online is more popular than ever with consumers. Unfortunately, based on a 2012 LexisNexis “The True Cost of Fraud Study,”


| Tiffany Riley

When the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards were introduced four years ago, they were received with about as much enthusiasm as a root canal.


| MCM staff

This isn’t a new law. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, or FACTA, was passed by Congress in 2003 in an effort to combat identity theft. It

A Taxing Treasure

| Bennett Voyles

I WAS IN VENICE RECENTLY, feeling a little glum because I couldn’t think of anything America has produced that could rival such a beautiful, mysterious

paper jam

| Bennett Voyles

By now, we were all supposed to be beaming payments back and forth between our cell phones and smart cards. Purchases would be check-less and cash-less