Roses mailer nips bad addresses
The perishable nature of Heirloom Roses’ product line makes incorrect addresses even more of a customer satisfaction issue than it is for companies that
The perishable nature of Heirloom Roses’ product line makes incorrect addresses even more of a customer satisfaction issue than it is for companies that
It seems that whenever one logs on, the bombardment begins unsavory content, dubious offers, unscrupulous operators, and in-your-face interruption marketing.
The days of multichannel marketing as an independent business discipline, dominated by just a few tech-savvy marketers, are over. Successful direct marketers
In addition to the lower-than-expected proposed rate increase and the fact that it may not happen at all there’s more cause for optimism: The House Government
When measuring the effectiveness of a promotion, it’s not enough to know the overall response and revenue. What you really need to measure is the incremental
In keeping with the move toward multichannel marketing, many catalogers are converting their house files into customer marketing databases, says Arthur Middleton Hughes, vice president/solutions architect for Richardson, TX-based database marketing firm KnowledgeBase Marketing. Some are using advanced techniques to increase customer response, retention, and cross-sells. In return they are seeing increased rates of retention and increased order sizes.
Chances are you need to make decisions regarding your next mailing before a majority of the results from your most recent mailing are in. Fortunately,
Building your permission-based e-mail database begins with creating a strategy for e-mail address collection and, ultimately, your corresponding value-based e-mail communications program, says Deirdre Namur, vice president of creative services at e-mail solutions provider Bigfoot Interactive. As such, she advises paying particular attention to collecting important demographic and product-interest fields that will help you build relevant e-mail communications.
It’s one of the core tenets of direct marketing: You can’t grow if you don’t prospect. At the very least, you need to compensate for the natural attrition rate associated with just about every business. But prospecting above your house file attrition rate can be expensive.
“B-to-B Ideas of Merit,” from White Plains, NY-based list services firm MeritDirect, is a new series on business-to-business growth strategies that will appear exclusively in List and Data Strategies for the Multichannel Merchant. Ed A. Larkin is director of business development for MeritDirect.