Who Won the Sugar Bowl? Allstate’s Mayhem Sale

| Tim Parry

We interrupt the Ohio State-Bama game to bring you MayhemSale, pop-up ecommerce at its finest. Items sold right out of Matt and Shannon’s home… while they’re in New Orleans for the Sugar Bowl. Here’s a look at how Allstate’s in-game commercial campaign raised awareness about posting vacation plans to social media… and broke the internet.


5 SEO Strategies All Merchants Need to Implement Now

| Michael Nguyen

Many merchants think that SEO strategies are no longer effective, are expensive, and are not worth the effort. But nearly 90% of consumers use search engines for purchase decisions. How do you improve your visibility? Here are five strategies every merchant should deploy.

4 Ecommerce Trends to Discard in 2015

| Himanshu Sareen

To celebrate the 2015, Icreon has published its annual Anti-Trends ecommerce Report, which focuses on big ideas it doesn’t expect to see happen this coming year. So without further ado…

Warehouse, distribution center, retail operations management, ecommerce

Automating the Web of Shipping Options

| Ian Goldman

Shipping cost and speed is reliant upon a number of factors like distance, package weight and size, so determining the fastest, cheapest way to ship an item is not a straightforward task. But there are features that you can look for in your ecommerce platform that simplify the process by doing much, or all, of the work for you.

domestic shipping, ecommerce, ecommerce returns, Endicia, FedEx, Free returns, IRCE, IRCE 2014, postage, returns, returns process, shipping, Shipping/Delivery, UPS, USPS

Step Up Your Returns Experience

| Tom Fougerousse

Handling returns appropriately will do wonders for your reputation and build trust in the long run, and falling behind can become a customer service nightmare. Here are some suggestions to make your returns experience a positive one for both you and your customers.

eBay, eBay Now, eBay Local, online marketplace, online sellers, eBay merchants, same-day delivery, click and collect, buy online pickup in store, Argos, Shutl, Amazon Fresh, Amazon Prime Now, Google Express

An eBay Local Pilot Grows in Brooklyn

| Mike O'Brien

eBay said 83 businesses – including online merchants as well as retailers with physical stores – have joined its eBay Local pilot program in Brooklyn, NY., offering a range of delivery options, including $5 same-day and in-store pickup, to consumers through eBay’s website and mobile apps.

The Brooklyn trial is taking place as the company shifts the focus of Amazon Local more toward its core marketplace sellers, with less emphasis on major retailers.