Why You Need to Reach Customers in Australia

| MCM Staff

In many ways, Australia is a natural for ecommerce. With 36 million people spread across a continent, Australia has one of the lowest population densities in the world. Australians are accustomed to long-distance shopping, and they are also highly computer literate and wired.

Cyber Weekend Proves Mobile Commerce Has Arrived

| Tim Parry

Mobile commerce has arrived, and proved to be a game-changer this Cyber Weekend. Here’s a look at what drove shoppers to their smart phone, and a look at some retailers’ mobile commerce success stories.

What We Learned From Cyber Weekend 2014

| Tim Parry

There’s some there’s widespread panic in Overreactionland, as the online and in-store Thanksgiving weekend sales figures roll in. But it may be much ado about nothing, as Holiday 2014 is beginning to look a lot like Holiday 2013. Here’s a look at what we learned from Cyber Weekend 2014.

What New Omnichannel Trends Really Mean for Customers

| Jeannie Walters

We do live in an omnichannel world, but it can still be surprising to learn how many online retailers are experimenting with brick and mortar. Here are 5 ways these online to offline innovators are offering the next wave of the omnichannel experience.

Omnichannel, omnichannel fulfillment, omnichannel retail, omnichannel operations, ecommerce, retail ecommerce, Amazon, Amazon.com

Retailers Must Deliver a Seamless Shopping Experience

| Jim Davidson

Consumers expect a seamless shopping experience across devices and channels. Retailers must meet this expectation or lose customers. While this statement should get your planning team talking, there are subtleties in this simple statement that can be easily overlooked and should be explored in more detail during your planning process.