FIRING BACK: High-flying emporium

| MCM staff

If you are stuck on an airplane and decide to pass the time shopping with an inflight catalog, make sure you read the entire book carefully. The High


| Paul Miller

Has Abacus Direct, the Broomfield, CO-based creator of the Abacus Alliance proprietary database, grown too big for its britches? expanded too quickly?

Still no respect

| Mark Del Franco

Though many catalogers are producing strong sales and earnings figures, the stock performance of most publicly traded catalog companies continues to lag

The Sharper Image

| Leslie Goff

When you’re selling cutting-edge gadgets like the Emilio Robot, an electronic butler that mixes and serves drinks, your Website should also be cutting

FIRING BACK: The worst about the best

| Leon Henry

Your June issue, “101 best ideas of all time,” shows a great deal of thought, and I am sure it was a monumental decision to evaluate the really best ideas.However,