FIRING BACK: High-flying emporium

| MCM staff

If you are stuck on an airplane and decide to pass the time shopping with an inflight catalog, make sure you read the entire book carefully. The High

Still no respect

| Mark Del Franco

Though many catalogers are producing strong sales and earnings figures, the stock performance of most publicly traded catalog companies continues to lag


| Paul Miller

Has Abacus Direct, the Broomfield, CO-based creator of the Abacus Alliance proprietary database, grown too big for its britches? expanded too quickly?

The Sharper Image

| Leslie Goff

When you’re selling cutting-edge gadgets like the Emilio Robot, an electronic butler that mixes and serves drinks, your Website should also be cutting

FIRING BACK: The worst about the best

| Leon Henry

Your June issue, “101 best ideas of all time,” shows a great deal of thought, and I am sure it was a monumental decision to evaluate the really best ideas.However,