Amazon Debuts #AmazonWishList on Twitter

| Tim Parry

Customers who discover a Tweet from their favorite artist, expert, brand, or friend with an product link, can simply add “#AmazonWishList” to the reply on Twitter and the product is added to their Amazon Wish List.

global ecommerce, Forrester Research, mobile commerce, ecommerce, Growing Global 2015, omnichannel, omnichannel retail, online marketplaces

How to Expand Globally

| Daniela Forte

Does the global market you are entering fit your product or service? Is the demand there? Does your product translate well into other cultures other than the United States? Ask yourself these questions and make sure the answers are yes.

FedEx to Hire 50,000 Seasonal Workers

| Tim Parry

FedEx expects to hire more than 50,000 seasonal workers for the peak holiday season, Mike Glenn, President and CEO of FedEx Services, said during the company’s first-quarter earnings call.