alibaba group, Alibaba, AliExpress, ecommerce, online marketplace, global ecommerce, Chinese ecommerce, cross-border ecommerce, online security, online security flaw, online security vulnerability, cyber security, cyber security threat

Alibaba Says It Has Addressed Online Security Vulnerability

| Mike O'Brien

Alibaba says it is doing all it can to keep on top of security issues that affect its ecommerce merchants, after a published report noted that an Israeli firm in late October found a security flaw in AliExpress, the company’s English language ecommerce site.

free shipping, ecommerce fulfillment, Pitney Bowes, same-day delivery, consumer survey, holiday shopping season, 2015 holiday shopping

comScore Reports Green Monday Sales Up 15% to $1.6B

| MCM Staff

comScore reported that that U.S. retail desktop spending on Green Monday (Dec. 8) were up 15% this year to $1.6 billion, compared to $1.4 billion in 2013. It was the third heaviest online spending day of the holiday season to date, after Cyber Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 2.

Study Shows Significant Cross-border Opportunities

| Tim Parry

New research from PayPal and Ipsos shows that cross-border trade is a driving force of the global marketplace, with cross-border shoppers, spending approximately twice as much as consumers who only shop domestically. Here’s a look at where customers prefer to buy cross-border, and what motivates them to buy.

Abercrombie & Fitch CEO to Retire

| Daniela Forte

Abercrombie & Fitch announced today that embattled CEO Michael Jeffries is retiring. He will also be retiring as a board member, effective immediately. See what this will mean for the retailer.

Amazon, Amazon Prime Now, Amazon Flex, Uber, Postmates, FedEx, on demand economy, contract drivers, ecommerce fulfillment

Amazon Testing Bikes for Ultra-Fast Delivery in New York

| Mike O'Brien

Amazon is once again pushing the ecommerce envelope, testing out the use of bicycle couriers in New York as part of a service called Amazon Prime Now, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal.

The service will provide delivery of some items purchased on in an hour or two, the Journal said it had been told by an unnamed source.