Alibaba Considering Distribution Center in Detroit

| Mike O'Brien

As it looks to entice China’s burgeoning middle class with quality U.S. goods, the Alibaba Group is considering a distribution center in the Detroit area, company officials said at a recent event aimed at adding smaller manufacturers to its online marketplaces.

Who Will Project Manage Your System Implementation?

| Brian Barry

While studies have shown that 50% of all major system implementation projects are not completed on time and within budget, successful project management can reduce issues, open up communication with stakeholders and deliver results. Here are some practical guidelines to help you set up proper project management and avoid costly issues.

How to Prevent Four Common WMS Implementation Mistakes

| Chris Anton

A WMS implementation can go off the rails for several different reasons, but in most instances it has little to do with the technology and everything to do with how it was implemented. If issues aren’t fixed during set-up, they can lead to costly snafus in the months ahead. Here are the 4 most common WMS implementation missteps and tips on how to avoid them.

warehouse automation conveyor feature

3 Ways Automation Can Ease Holiday Order Fulfillment

| Dave Williams

The holiday shopping season is right around the corner, and distribution centers will soon be bustling to get online orders out the door. More than likely, this year will deliver new records for peak online sales. Growing companies with manual warehouses worried about keeping up should consider automated processes.

12 Qualities of a Great Inventory Planner

| Paul Angelos

Inventory Planning Sometimes Seems Like a No-Win Proposition. Too much or not enough, each scenario has a serious impact on a business’ reputation and efficiency. Here are several qualities of a successful inventory planner.

Evaluating Your Inventory Costs in a Multi-DC Format

| Brian Barry

To remain competitive, many companies are looking to add distribution centers closer to the customer so they can offer more products quickly. Part of this planning process involves managing multi-DC inventories and fulfilling customer orders. Here are the factors to consider and how they impact your inventory costs.

10 Tips for Improving Your Inventory Management

| Curt Barry

As Amazon’s multi-fulfillment-center strategy continues to put pressure on multichannel merchants, having an effective inventory management strategy to maximize sales, profits and customer service becomes that much more crucial. Here are 10 points to consider as you develop and refine your inventory strategy.

5 Top Trends Shaping the Future of Retail Logistics

| Brian Alexander

With the perpetual advancement of technology, retail logistics are undergoing rapid change. What used to be complex is now being blended with technology to create more efficient, self-orchestrated systems. Knowing these 5 key trends will help you ensure a competitive edge as they reshape retail logistics in the coming years.

Knowing Your Options for Distribution Center Expansion

| Brian Barry

If your merchant business is growing and you’re looking to expand into a new distribution center, you need lots of decision support. To help you, here’s a deep dive into the 3 different options for increasing your fulfillment operations. This review will outline the scope of each option, the timeframes and what’s involved.

DHL Supply Chain Testing Robotics Solution

| Mike O'Brien

DHL Supply Chain will be starting a pilot program using warehouse robots from Locus Robotics in late July, at its Memphis facility servicing a medical device customer, with plans to expand into ecommerce fulfillment shortly thereafter should the test prove a success.