When Dinosaurs Fly

| MCM staff

Move over, Jurassic Park. Brick-and-mortar retailers have not only survived the mass extinction of dot-coms but evolved into a new, hybrid species of

full speed ahead

| MCM staff

Superman’s outfit was cool, but it must have cost him a bundle. Besides, do you really need material handlers who can leap over tall buildings with a

Around the World in 80 Ways

| Rebecca Gibson

Your reps may not be like Phileas Fogg, but they can still explore new customer service territory with maps that guide them through every step of the

talking heads

| MCM staff

“How do you measure warehouse productivity?” The ultimate measurements I would use for a distribution center would be units – cartons or pieces, for instance


| Ron Hounsell

measuring work doesn’t take split-second timing, but it does require valid standardsLOOKING OVER a warehouse worker’s shoulder and counting how many minutes

first impressions

| MCM staff

Everyone has a favorite story to tell about the job candidate who was less than perfect, from the man who took his mother in with him to the interview

Is Your Closet Clean?

| Jeff Kline

It’s a known fact that the bigger your closet, the more space you have for old clothes you haven’t worn in years. The warehouse is the closet of the operations

Trying Harder

| Rama Ramaswami

Better, but not great – that’s Andersen Consulting’s verdict on holiday 2000 e-fulfillment compared to the previous year’s performance. Merchants’ huge

Stop Thief!

| Rama Ramaswami

If even mighty Microsoft could fall victim to a hacker, chances are most companies will face systems security breaches at one time or other. But businesses

Payoff from Payout

| Liz Kislik

Pay employees well and they’ll work hard and be happy – true or false? In the numerous published rankings of ten conditions that have the most impact