Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

EXCLUSIVE RESEARCH REPORT Survey Says: Better Than Expected All this talk about how catalogers had slashed circulation may be just that: talk. Among the

Football Season

| MCM staff

As this issue goes to press, we’re coming up on the two-year anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Although national security has increased markedly

Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

HAVING HIS SAY Beware Divine Followers Roman Martynenko, chief financial officer of San Francisco-based Web services provider Ecofabric, on the continuing

Project Post-mortem


Here’s an all-too-familiar scenario: A project team spends six months of late nights and cold pizza working to go live with a new system. Then the go

Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

Mourning the Late Great Kate The world was saddened by the death of legendary actress Katharine Hepburn on June 29. Geoff Batrouney, executive vice president

Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

The winners of the 18th Annual Catalog Awards and the 4th Annual I.Merchant Awards were announced at the Annual Catalog Conference in San Francisco on

Opinion and Response

| MCM staff

Don’t Count Us Out Just got your 20th anniversary edition of Catalog Age. Congratulations! Looking through the issue I came across a chart entitled on