| MCM staff

When an industry term is on the tip of your tongue, or when you come across jargon that’s new to you, the words and definitions you need may well be right here. …


| MCM staff

Abandoned call: Call in which a customer hangs up before reaching a call center staffer. ACS: Automatic call sequencer, a less sophisticated version of automated call distribution (see below), without the flexibility and the ability to track call …

Our brillliant ideas…

| MCM staff

If we had a nickel for every time a Catalog Age staffer spouted off an idea for a new catalog, we’d have practically enough money to buy a new coffee

Opting in to offers

| Shannon Oberndorf

Many catalogers have determined that while banner ads and traditional advertising can help drive users to their Websites for an initial visit, they don’t

Operations BENCHMARK’99

| MCM staff

Welcome to the 1999 Catalog Age Benchmark Report on Operations, the third in a series of exclusive surveys produced this year by the staff of Catalog

Opinion & Response backword

| MCM staff

A casket full of cheer As this month’s Benchmark Report on Merchandising (p.129) shows, catalogers continually strive to come up with product that sets

Outbound explosion

| Paul Miller

Many consumers don’t appreciate phone calls from the likes of aluminum siding marketers or survey groups during dinner. Business-to-business catalog buyers,