How Voice Commerce is Changing the Way People Shop

Content Manager
MCM CommerceChat podcast

Voice assistants are changing the way customers are making purchases with just a few words. Companies like Amazon, Google and Microsoft are making major moves in the voice assistant world.  While this is still a relatively new way to shop consumers are embracing this technology as we move forward in the year ahead.

This new way of shopping has pushed retailers to tap the power of what’s come to be known as “conversational commerce.”  To date, voice assistants have mostly been used for general queries like music, movies and the weather, it will only be a matter of time before voice shopping becomes a way of life for consumers.

In our latest MCM CommerceChat podcast, Jonathan Laverentz, Product Marketing for Manufacturers in the US/EMEA for ChannelAdvisor talks about the impact of voice assistants and how it will change the way customers are shopping in the future.

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