Leveraging Email Personalization to Build Customer Connections

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Today retailers have to jump through various hoops to meet customer expectations and gain their trust and loyalty, and in the age of omnichannel and mobile email is still one of the most effective ways to do this.

Consumers expect retailers to know things like purchase history, both on and offline, as well as their interests and preferences. In fact, consumers will often choose, recommend or pay more for products from a brand that gives them a unique, personalized experience.

Personalized emails are one key way to take this personalized approach. According to the Oracle+Bronto blog, batch-and-blast emails decrease engagement and can look like spam. Some common personalization tactics include using the customer’s first name in the subject line or body, featuring categories they’ve opted into or creating dynamic content based on gender preferences.

Retailers can also segment emails based on subscriber preferences, such as displaying the nearest store or creating a VIP segment of loyal and high-value customers that get unique offers and promotions.

Product recommendations are also a great way to personalize the experience, including showing visitors new products, bestsellers or recently discounted items in a favorite category.

Oracle+Bronto along with Smile.io will cover these and the many other ways merchants can offer a unique customer experience in the upcoming Multichannel Merchant webinar, Use Email to Build and Emotional Connection in 2019 on February 12 at 2 p.m. EST.

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