On average, about 97% of the visitors to a retailer’s website leave without making a purchase. Of those, about 70% or so at least leave something in a shopping cart before abandoning, so merchants have the opportunity to remarket to them via email. But what about the others?
That’s where browse data comes in. Let’s take a look at a few things you can do with it:
Triggered Remarketing
Similar to shopping cart abandonment, browse and abandonment is an event that can trigger a remarketing campaign to help lure active shoppers back to your site using personalized recommendations, and, if appropriate, promotions to motivate them to convert.
It’s important to keep in mind that even though a browse and abandon campaign may be similar to a shopping cart abandonment campaign, a different approach is suggested. Instead of focusing exclusively on the item(s) abandoned in the cart, in this case consider recommending products based on criteria such as “viewed this, viewed that” and “viewed this purchased that” perhaps with the specific product(s) browsed included as part of the mix.
Marketing Emails
If you’re already featuring personalized product recommendations in emails, add browse and abandonment data to enhance the product selection. While personalized recommendations can be based on basic algorithms like “purchased this, purchased that” or on those using more robust data and shopper insights, just imagine how much more relevant and timely they could be if browse data were used to help inform the selections, too. Likewise, browse data can be used to enhance automated recurring messages like Top Sellers Tuesday, What’s New Wednesday or Customer Favorites Friday.
Back in Stock Alerts
If you’re using a back in stock alerts email solution, you can use browse data to optimize the recommendations featured in the nurturing emails sent while waiting for the product to come back in stock. And, if the item is not coming back, you can use it to recommend a product or products the shopper may want to consider instead.
List Segmentation
Another one of the beauties of browse data is that it can help you to understand who your shoppers are and then segment your subscriber list. For example, wouldn’t you want to send different emails to those shoppers interested in junior sizes versus those interested in plus sizes? What about those interested in brand A versus brand B?
Browse data provides a wealth of information that can help make personalized recommendations both onsite and in emails more timely and relevant. As always, be sure to test when, where and how it is best used for your particular shoppers.
Ross Kramer is the CEO of Listrak.