Amazon-USPS Sunday Delivery a Win for Consumers

| Tim Parry

It sounds like Amazon did its homework when it decided to offer Sunday delivery to its Amazon Prime members. And the U.S. Postal Service was smart enough to pounce on the opportunity to be its Sunday delivery provider.

Amazon Sunday Delivery Offers USPS New Revenue

| Daniela Forte

Amazon’s recently-announced partnership with the U.S. Postal Service, which expands delivery offerings for Amazon Prime members to include Sundays, offers a promise of much needed revenue for the USPS and improves its relevancy in the parcel delivery business.

Amazon Shares Warehouse Space with Proctor & Gamble

| Daniela Forte

Since 2010 Amazon has shared warehouse space with Proctor & Gamble, the parent company of such products like Pampers diapers, Bounty paper towels, Tide laundry detergent among others, according to the Wall Street Journal, a move many are saying is a beneficial arrangement for both companies.

Amazon Lockers Removed from Staples and RadioShack

| Daniela Forte

After a one year test program, Amazon has decided to remove its lockers from both Staples Inc. and RadioShack Corp. Both retailers have said the delivery program either didn’t meet it’s criteria or match up with its fulfillment strategy.

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How to Sell Efficiently on eBay and Amazon

| Lisa Steinhart

Marketplaces represent a great revenue opportunity for omnichannel merchants. But as Midwest Photo Exchange learned, the devil is in the details. Here’s why the more time you spend preparing your items and integrating your infrastructure will help you better control your costs and add to your bottom line.