Marketing from the Back-end

| Debra Ellis

Reducing fulfillment costs becomes the driving force in many companies. Unfortunately, this creates a dichotomy. On one side, costs are reduced, increasing short-term profitability. The other side is a reduction of service that alienates customers. It reduces growth and long-term profitability. The challenge is to find a balance between service and expense.

WWF Launches Gift Catalog

| Jim Tierney

Not to be outdone by Oxfam America’s online catalog, which the international relief organization debuted Oct. 10, the World Wildlife Fund on Monday mailed its first print catalog.

Understanding the Real Value of a Prospecting List

| Michelle Farabaugh

Prospecting results are traditionally reviewed based on the total performance of sales per book for each list, and subsequent mailing decisions are based on these results. In actuality, you should conduct further analysis to determine the true strength of each particular list and whether it makes sense to rent that list going forward.

Spruce Up Your Holiday Mailings

| Mike Yapuncich

The large volume of mail processed by the U.S. Postal Service between Thanksgiving and Christmas can provide challenges to both catalogers and mail carriers. In anticipation of the holiday rush, you should allow ample time to employ sophisticated list cleansing strategies so that you can be sure your mailings reach all of your customers and prospects.