| Jeff Morris

You love reading predictions admit it and we love making them. And the good thing is, we’re not always wrong! For instance, in this space in a February

Hundreds of QuickBooks Users Switch to NetSuite

| MCM staff

SAN MATEO, CA – January 6, 2005 – NetSuite, Inc., today announced that since
the launch of the company’s NetSuite Small Business in August 2004, hundreds
of companies using QuickBooks Pro have switched to NetSuite.

Sell them more*

| Greg Gianforte

Every executive knows that you make more money selling to your existing customers than you do chasing new ones. That’s why so many companies place so

Customer Service

| Rama Ramaswami

There’s very little the world can throw at U.S. consumers to keep them from spending money, a reporter for CNN/Money wrote in February 2003. Consumers

First Class Technology

| Margery Weinstein

When training is in order for new technology, cataloger/retailer OfficeMax heads to the classroom. The Itasca, IL-based office supplier, which has six

Happily Ever After

| Debra Ellis

The promise of customer relationship management is great collecting real-time information that allows you to provide the right product, price, and service