How Customer Loyalty Differs Online

| Michael Greenberg

The major difference online is the ability to track nearly all customer behavior and transactions. In the multichannel world, this can be difficult. Without this limitation, online sellers can focus entirely on the driving customer value and loyalty directly. Learns to Listen to its Customers

| Tim Parry

Customers may be are changing their spending habits, says Jack Keifer. But if you listen to them and stock what they want, they’ll keep buying, the president/CEO of baby accessories and equipment merchant said earlier this month at eTail in Baltimore.

When is it Time for a Redesign?

| Tim Parry

When do you know it’s time to redesign your e-commerce site? That question was posed to a panel of three merchants during a session at eTail in Baltimore last week, and no one person had the same answer.

Sinking Your Teeth Into Twitter and Facebook

| Tim Parry

You’ve got your company on Twitter, you set up a Facebook page, and think you’re reaching your customers in a whole new way. But do you really know what you’re doing with social media? Or are you just on Twitter and doing Facebook because the boss told you to do it because the competition is doing it?

Live From eTail: Clearing the Path for Conversion

| Tim Parry

Kevin Ertell, VP-retail strategies for customer satisfaction surveyor ForeSee Results, says that about 20% of all e-commerce customers go to a Website with the intent to buy. The problem is, the conversion rate for e-commerce is about 3% to 4%.

DineWise Acquires Home Bistro

| Tim Parry

Gourmet Foods Merchant Home Bistro Foods is Back in Business: Rival prepared-foods merchant DineWise bought the company out of Chapter 11 on June 11.

Just do it

| Ken Magill

By now the evidence is overwhelming that behaviorally triggered marketing e-mails work like gangbusters that is, when they’re implemented. Trouble is,