The C is for channel
For years recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM) was king. Even catalogers that shied away from lavish database models segmented their buyers according
For years recency, frequency, and monetary value (RFM) was king. Even catalogers that shied away from lavish database models segmented their buyers according
It’s a fertile period in the gardening market, as the sector has enjoyed significant growth in terms of active buyers during the past 12 months. New York-based
If lately you have observed poor performance among your co-op database balance models, the older, lower-dollar portions of your continuation lists, or the tightest possible selects from marginal lists, it is time you consider prospecting reuses.
The acquisition of marketing database solutions provider ClarityBlue by information solutions company Experian will allow it to obtain consumer information in more high-tech fashions and to get databases up and running in less time, says Rick Erwin, Experian
One of the simplest and most powerful metrics is customer recency. You may have a lot of data at your fingertips, but a good start is to really understand the insights available by delving into how recency changes over time.
The Hispanic population in the United States will grow to more than 103 million by the year 2050. During the same time period the Caucasian American population will decrease by 19%. That has been developed to help direct marketers receive behavioral information of its target audience’s online habits. Read on to find out the benefits of the Web-based program.
Key metrics such as attrition and acquisition rates are great performance indicators. Unfortunately, they do not identify specific customers and their value to your business. Find out what it takes to bring your missing customers back from the dead.
Not all CSRs are angels, as marketing consultant Bill Singleton found out throughout his career. Find out what he says multichannel merchants should do with their databases to ensure angered CSRs aren’t slipping unsavory words into your lists to get avenge unhappy customer experiences.
Consumers state they are willing to share only a small portion of the personal information that retailers need to develop traditional loyalty programs, according to a report released by the National Retail Federation last week. But at least one loyalty marketing guru thinks the results can be thrown out the window.