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Shoe Carnival Scales Local Search Marketing

| Daniela Forte

Shoe Carnival is scaling its local search marketing in an effort to drive incremental in-store traffic and sales as well as improve the overall customer experience. See what plans the retailer has in place and how it will benefit the business.

ecommerce fraud

What Merchants Need to Know About Affiliate Fraud

| Kirsty Tull

As with ecommerce in general, merchants who prioritize fraud prevention and detection will benefit the most from affiliate marketing relationships, while those who don’t do their research are putting their revenue stream, reputation and banking relationships at risk.

UPS, FedEx, peak holiday season 2015, ecommerce fulfillment, Holiday 2015

4 Tips for Growing Your Retail Gifting Strategy

| Roy Erez

A major element for retailers to consider for their gifting strategy is that the purchase path, friction points and mindset are different when customers are buying gifts for others versus buying for themselves.