Five Software Options to Consider for Your DC

| Sam Flanders

Software systems range from very simple systems that can be made fully functional in a day to those that require very careful planning and a year or more to get working. As an operations manager, you need to select a solution that is manageable and that your staff and your company’s departmental resources can readily support.

BPO Adaptability: Boardroom Buzzword or Competitive Advantage?

| Julie Casteel

As competition within the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry mounts, organizations have increased options when selecting an appropriate provider for your contact center. This enables them to look beyond traditional factors to determine how successful a potential relationship will be. One of the most important elements these companies should consider is a BPO provider

Having His Say: Steamed About Second Hand Equipment

| MCM staff

There was an article in The O+F Advisor titled ‘Caveats of Buying Second Hand Equipment’ by Robert Babel dated January 24, 2007. I have many problems with this article because so many statements in it just don’t ring true to me.