Accent Grave

| Jeff Morris

Hello! My name is Kelly. I very much wanting to be help you. If that sounds familiar, and if your first thought on hearing it is, Yeah, right if your

Mystery Service

| Barbara Arnn

Many multichannel retailers continue to miss opportunities to woo customers. The Chicago-based e-tailing group’s 2004 back-to-school Mystery Shopping

Wireless Update

| MCM staff

When it comes to wireless technology in distribution centers and other logistics facilities, user enthusiasm is still not as high as it is for wired systems.

Growth Cycle

| Rama Ramaswami

TECHNOPHILES CAN WAVE a fond goodbye to the tail end of the IT boom. The good days aren’t coming back for a long time. A comprehensive new study from

Salary Survey

| MCM staff

Catalog Marketing manager, business-to-business Equivalent to a product manager in a consumer packaged goods environment, the marketing manager for a

Upwardly Mobile

| MCM staff

World events have slammed us so hard in recent years that we no longer have the time or resources to indulge in Big Ideas. But in a buyers’ guide, with

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Quote Clarification While I enjoyed Mark Del Franco’s article on list exchanges (The Dos and Don’ts of List Exchanges, Aug. 1), I have to take issue with

Transplanting the Contact Center

| MCM staff

In June 2003, Gardener’s Supply Company (GSC) celebrated its twentieth year in business by deciding to remodel its corporate headquarters in Burlington,