Selecting Order Management Systems
There’s something about software that turns the sanity switch to in the minds of many otherwise sensible individuals. People who would never presume to
There’s something about software that turns the sanity switch to in the minds of many otherwise sensible individuals. People who would never presume to
For catalogers, returns are a fact of life. According to Richmond, VA-based operations consultancy F. Curtis Barry & Co., typical return rates range from
Military Mailer Supports Our Troops Whether you’re in favor of or opposed to the war in Iraq, most people try to be supportive of the U.S. soldiers serving
With an eye on spinning off its catalog business from its marketing and promotions division, New York-based Alloy on Aug. 5 named chief operating officer Jim Johnson chief financial officer.
Getting All Political on Us While I generally appreciate and certainly learn much from my subscription to Catalog Age, I wanted to bring to your attention
In the spring of 2003, after enjoying five years of double-digit growth, Benchmark Brands Inc., a Norcross, GA-based multichannel retailer of foot-care
The most important starting point in any maintenance program, though it’s often overlooked, is to identify the greatest risks to your ability to operate.
Dear Mr. Claus, We know you see us when we’re schlepping, but we wanted to remind you that we are very worried about the 2004 Christmas rush. Every year,
IN THIS DAY AND AGE, face-to-face is old hat. Isn’t it silly to travel across the country to a conference when you can just catch a couple of tutorials
Multichannel shoppers are an evolving breed, changing right along with the technology on which they must rely, and frequently presenting behavioral surprises