Keep a Cool Head

| D. Douglas Graham

CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, Walt Disney was not put in deep-freeze postmortem but planted in the soil like nearly everyone else. Disney died in 1966,

Web-Based RFID: Hype and Glitz?

| MCM staff

TRUE OR FALSE: Like the Mesozoic, the Paleolithic, and the Industrial Era, the Age of the Bar Code has come and gone. The answer: Partially true. You

Big Spenders (Sort Of)

| Rama Ramaswami

Retailers are more frugal with their IT money than firms in other industries are, but they do splurge on some things, according to Forrester Research

Brand-New Bag

| Jeff Siegel

THREE YEARS AGO, Crate & Barrel executives knew they had to find a better way to pack the items they shipped to their distribution centers and to customers.

E-Commerce, Lite

| MCM staff

Psst! Can you keep a secret? E-commerce is making a comeback. That was the pervasive belief at a bellwether show, Etail 2003, which took place in Boston


| Bennett Voyles

Talk to Gus Pagonis, the Sears logistics chief, about the biggest issue in supply chain management, and you might well expect the retired general to tout

Rave Reviews for VendorNet

| Bill Kuipers

VENDORNET IS A WEB-BASED communications network that manages and tracks the order and delivery cycle between the retailer and the supplier. The company

Cabin Fever

| MCM staff

THE WOOLLY SHEEP is no mammoth retailer, but from its little corner of Weed, CA, an historic lumber town (pop. 3,100) on the western slopes of Mt. Shasta,

Alloy Buys Rival Delia’s

| Mark Del Franco

In what may be one of the hottest pairings in teendom since Britney and Justin, teen apparel and sporting gear cataloger Alloy agreed on July 31 to buy