work WITH me

| Frank W. Renshaw, P.E.

If you store a ton of junk in your garage, it isn’t harmful it’s just messy, and it doesn’t leave much room for your car. Pile up stuff in your warehouse,

opinion & response

| MCM staff

Sounding Off on Show Business After last year’s Annual Catalog Conference (ACC), one marked with poor exhibit hall traffic, we polled our clients about

Out of School

| Jeff Ashcroft

Do you harbor a burning desire to upgrade your logistics and supply chain management knowledge base? Few of us have the spare time to go back to school,

Mammoth Migration

| MCM staff

If you use an Ecometry system and even if you don’t the doings of the Delray Beach, FL-based software provider (formerly known as Smith-Gardner) make

What We Need Now

| Ron Hounsell

It’s time to develop requirements for a software acquisition project. Everyone knows what we need, right? If only that were true. The fallacy of this

Bright Idea

| Barbara Arnn

Using a concept called data envelopment analysis (DEA), a Georgia Institute of Technology research team has developed an Internet-based tool for benchmarking

Death Penalty

| Rama Ramaswami

The silent killer, is what Michael Reene, CEO of professional services firm Enterpulse, calls a bad Web site. OK, that may be overstating it a bit. But

Artful Dodgers II

| MCM staff

Ethics are on everyone’s mind these days, so it wasn’t a surprise when my May editorial (Artful Dodgers, p. 6) received more feedback than this column

Easy Reading

| David Pluviose

Book and entertainment products distributor Baker & Taylor Inc. was founded in 1828 as a bindery and subscription book publisher, back when the steam

paper jam

| Bennett Voyles

By now, we were all supposed to be beaming payments back and forth between our cell phones and smart cards. Purchases would be check-less and cash-less