Warehouse, distribution center, retail operations management, ecommerce

Destination Determines Favorite Shippers in B2B World

| Erin Lynch

When it comes down to which parcel shipping carrier is a favorite in the B2B world, the answer might as well be, “domestic shipper or international shipper?” according to findings from Multichannel Merchant’s MCM Outlook 2013.

DHL, DHL Supply Chain, Africa, South Africa, logistics, Shipping/Delivery, shipping, global shipping, supply chain

DHL Opens Warehouse in India

| Erin Lynch

Joining the ranks of Amazon, DHL Supply Chain announced that it has opened a warehouse in Luhari, India to help meet the growing demand from the consumer, retail, and automotive sectors.

Same-day Delivery Means a Focus on Brick-and-Mortar

| Erin Lynch

When it comes to getting into the realm of same-day shipping it’s not about building a warehouse in every state or waiting to see what Amazon does. According to Shutl CEO and founder Tom Allason, it’s all about focusing on your brick-and-mortar store.

Is Same-day Delivery Really Possible Nationwide

| Erin Lynch

It seems as though almost every major retailer is looking into making same-day delivery a reality. Amazon, eBay, and Walmart, and the U.S. Postal Service are testing the waters of the delivery service, but there is still the question if it can actually be done.

Ebay CEO Says Same-day Delivery Possible

| Erin Lynch

Ebay’s CEO John Donahoe said during the Goldman Sachs Technology and Internet Conference that he believes the ecommerce company can provide same-day delivery at scale. Donahoe said it can be done in a similar to the way the on-demand private driver company Uber conducts its business where private driving companies attempt to outbid each other for fares.

Studies Show Free Shipping is a Big Consumer Perk

| Erin Lynch

With 57% of adults shopping with retailers that offer free shipping, and 27% add unplanned items to their cart in order to meet free shipping thresholds, according to Forrester, it clear that free shipping is a major trend in the industry and will probably only get bigger.