Can’t Touch This!

| Bennett Voyles

The patient, Mr. O.F., complained again today about a recurring dream. He says he dreamed once more that he was a boy. In the dream, he goes down into

Perfect Shipment

| MCM staff

99.9% That’s Herbalife’s order accuracy rate, pre-inspection. Impressive, but not good enough when you’re intent on shipping the perfect shipment. So,

What He Said

| MCM staff

You know you’re important when a major research firm churns out an entire report analyzing your comments. In a first-ever occurrence for Wal-Mart, president

Switch to Growth

| Rama Ramaswami

Regardless of how complex you find distribution systems and equipment, chances are you’ll be buying a lot more of them this year. The Material Handling

Acquiring a WMS

| Ernie Schell

Every distribution center requires the functions provided by a warehouse management system (WMS) to facilitate inventory movement, from receiving and

Checking Accuracy

| MCM staff

Q We plan to launch an employee incentive program to eliminate errors in the warehouse. To ensure that the right product is shipped, how can we motivate

Be Still, My Heart

| MCM staff

What’s a product without passion? If you love it, you’ll buy it. At least, that’s what marketers would have us believe. The agency Jack Morton Worldwide

Over There, Over Where

| Sherry Chiger

President Bush and I visited London during the same week in November. But whereas he was greeted by protesters irate over the U.S.’s entry into Iraq,

Another Roadside Attraction

| MCM staff

Once upon a time, in the early sixties of the last century, a young fighter pilot named Sam Cutting III came home to Vermont from the U.S. Air Force and

Brave New Supermarket

| Jeff Morris

THE LAST TIME I SAW something called a Future Store, it was an A&P that had been renovated into what was supposed to be a prototype for A&Ps to come though