A Brief Guide to OMS Mergers and Acquisitions

| Ernie Schell

Coordinating this is a tall order. It is not surprising that software vendors in the OMS field either acquire other related vendors to make it easier to manage and support their solutions, or are acquired by other companies who value some or all of what the acquired company can provide.

How to Reduce the Order Management System Learning Curve

| Curt Barry

Your project plan to install your new Order Management System (OMS) should have tasks and assignments for developing training materials and standard operating procedures. Here are some ways that your company can shorten the OMS learning curve.

Best Practices for Returns Processing

| Bruce Tompkins

Reverse logistics is a crucial and growing part of the supply chain process, but many companies fail to measure their returns process with the same rigor they use for outbound distribution.


| MCM staff

This isn’t a new law. The Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act, or FACTA, was passed by Congress in 2003 in an effort to combat identity theft. It

Listen Up

| MCM staff

We all know the drill. An order comes in, and the picker has to wade through sheets of labels to know what to pick. It takes time, and he also has to report that it’s complete. But there’s another way. The worker gets the order through a headset. When he’s finished, he says

New dogs learn old tricks

| Ken Magill

One of the most telling examples of how far e-commerce has evolved in the past decade happened this summer at the eTail 2007 conference in Washington.