Cross-Border Shipping: Overcoming Global Headwinds, Trade Issues

The global shipping landscape may go through at one and possibly two seismic shifts soon. Merchants who do cross-border shipping need to brace themselves for the potential this fall of either a Brexit in the UK, a U.S. pullout from the Universal Postal Union, or both. So how should you prepare? How quickly can you adjust your shipping and marketing plans? This report explores these issues in detail.

In this MCM Special Report you will learn:

  • MCM Osram Sponsored Cross Border Shipping Special ReportAbout the impact of a UPU pullout, including unilateral postal agreements
  • How snowboard and apparel maker Burton is dealing with Chinese tariffs
  • The ins and outs of Brexit vs. no Brexit on things like di minimis and VAT
  • About how a Brexit passage could affect logistics, customs and destinations

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