FedEx Delivery Robots Not Particularly Welcome During NYC Visit

Maybe they should’ve stuck with “Walking in Memphis.”

Several FedEx delivery robots, collectively dubbed Roxo, were seen prowling the streets of Manhattan recently, but instead of getting a red-carpet welcome they elicited some Bronx cheers, according to the New York Post.

“Wall-E out here flexing all over FedEx delivery drivers,” tweeted @WhatIsNY while posting a video of a Roxo rolling along a sidewalk in Greenwich Village, the Post reported.

FedEx told the Post its delivery bots were just visiting New York for a special event, while being tested in other markets, including the company’s hometown of Memphis, TN. They use artificial intelligence, motion sensors and stair-climbing wheels.

The tests include how to communicate with customers and securely deliver packages within three miles of Target, Walgreens and Walmart stores, as all three are participating in the trials.

Mayor Bill de Blasio joined city residents in lambasting the Roxo visit, accusing it of stealing jobs.

“First of all, @FedEx, never get a robot to do a New Yorker’s job. We have the finest workers in the world,” de Blasio wrote. “Second of all, we didn’t grant permission for these to clog up our streets.” Another city spokesman told the Post the robots would be physically removed if spotted.

You can read the rest of the story here.

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